Sunday, September 20, 2009

Why is that Pie Plate there?

That is what I have been asking myself ever since I found it in the ceiling of the basement.  I first noticed it while tracing wires and pipes in the basement.  When I pulled it out I was amazed that it had been up there in the first place, it was wedged fairly tightly.  I couldn't decide if it was there to catch a leak, hide a hole, or some other strange reason.

It wasn't until yesterday when we pulled the dishwasher out the mystery was revealed, that and more things I wish I never saw.  I love the spaghetti look that is going on here.  The PVC is the drain from the kitchen sink and the bathroom sink. Hot and cold water for both of those is running through there as well.  The main drain and vent is there.  Then as an added bonus a junction box  for the dishwasher, the plugs in the kitchen along the same wall, and for all I know the bathroom are twisted through the plumbing.

Looking to the left of the dishwasher opening I found the board that covers all the plumbing that is from the bathtub.  Including the easily accessed shut off valves, easily accessed  once you pull the dish washer, move the board and make like a contortionist to actually use them.  The pie plate mystery was solved as well as several sports bottles found when we noticed that this cabinet had no back to it, so items can just fall out the back into the space, or if propelled just right, through the little slot and into the basement.

Look, the basement wall....

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